
Games That You Can Play With Fido

Our canine companions need some amusement to maintain their happiness and health. After all, Man’s Best Friend is an extremely active and energetic animal. While throwing a ball or stick to your pet is a fun activity, it is not your only option. Continue reading for a list of fun things to do with your dog from a local Jensen Beach, FL vet.

How Often Do Dogs Need To Play?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this one: the options will change as Fido grows older, and it will also vary slightly from pup to pup. Because of their high energy and activity level, young pups may want to play for several hours every day. A few minutes may be enough for an aging dog to feel weary. If you are unsure, consult with your veterinarian.

Overall, regular play benefits the majority of puppies. Try playing with your pet at the same time every day: Fido prefers a consistent schedule.

Fetch It!

Many dogs naturally excel at this task. It’s no surprise that many of our canine companions are natural fetchers. Many dog breeds were originally produced to assist humans in catching smaller game. These pups, which include Labrador, Golden, and other Retrievers, have an intrinsic impulse to pursue after and return objects to their owners. (Of course, some dogs simply do not understand this ‘job’ and may react by tilting their heads in an endearing but perplexing manner if you toss them a stick.)

Fetch can be played both indoors and outdoors, as long as there is enough space. Just stay away from playing in dangerous places, which would include spots near stairs, flames, and swimming pools.

Red/Green Light

This game has been around for a long time. Originally known as “statues,” it originated in ancient Greece. Players would freeze like statues. The Greeks believed that the game helped children improve their listening, coordination, and social abilities. They may have been correct! Dogs benefit from many of the same perks. (You might edit it to “Come” and “Stay” for Fido.)

Treasure Hunt

This is a great choice for dogs who enjoy following scent trails. This one may appeal to scent hounds such as Bloodhounds, Beagles, Foxhounds, and Daschunds. It’s simple: just bury toys and/or little treats for Fido to find. However, make careful to grab whatever your dog friend has missed.

Tag: You’re it!

Take turns chasing your furry best friend and letting him follow you. We recommend only doing this with a well-trained dog in a gated area. Additionally, you need to watch out that your pet doesn’t come to believe that chasing you is a pleasant pastime.

Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are not only entertaining for Fido, but they are also great for increasing canine fitness. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment; items like cones, storage bags, and boxes will suffice.

Remember that obstacle courses can be quite strenuous, and some dogs may struggle with them. They would be far too exhausting for a Pug or Pomeranian, but they could be a great way for a spirited Border Collie to get some exercise. Always take preventive measures. If you’re not sure if this is too much for Fido, consult with your veterinarian.

Hide and Go Seek

Fido may enjoy this popular children’s game just as much as people do. It’s pretty simple: just find a location to hide from your pet. You can go behind a curtain, crawl under a bed, or enter a closet. After that, call your canine friend. When your dog finds you, make sure to give him cuddles, kisses, and possibly some treats in return.

As you continue to play, gradually increase the hiding areas you utilize to make it more difficult for your dog.

Tug of War

This is a tremendous hit with many of our furry friends. It’s also excellent for bonding.

There are a few limitations, however. For example, this may not be the best game for a lively, active dog. Some dogs may become overly excited during these sports. Your pet may become overly excited, especially if he has any aggressive tendencies. It’s also best to move side to side and avoid tugging too hard.

Simon Says

Is your dog able to understand simple commands? Allow Fido to demonstrate his repertoire. All dogs should be able to complete the following basic commands: lay down, sit, stay, and come. Other important commands include Down, Drop It, and Leave It, however the latter two require you to have something for your dog to drop or go.

Funny Tricks

Before you teach your pet any charming tricks, make sure he understands the fundamental obedience commands for dogs. This includes commands such as Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. (Leaving It and Dropping It are also useful.) You can allow Fido to continue his petucation once he has mastered them. Once he’s mastered those, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have fun teaching your gorgeous pooch some adorable pranks. Roll Over and Shake Paw will always be funny.

Other things you can teach your pet include the following:

  • Play Dead
  • Wave
  • Take A Bow
  • Smile
  • Stand On Back Legs
  • Balance A Cookie On Nose
  • Spin  
  • Bow
  • Shame (Cover Nose With Paws)
  • Jump Through A Hoop


Fido might have a lot of fun with that classic carnival game. One of the three cups should have a dog treat beneath it. (Tip: To assist mask the aroma and make things a little more difficult, rub the candy over each cup.) In addition, you can use your hands. Allow Fido to choose which cup contains the treat.

What Happens If Fido Doesn’t Play?

Some of our canine friends are more interested in napping than chasing Frisbees, balls, or sticks. That’s fine! However, if your dog suddenly stops playing, he may be suffering from a medical condition. Contact your veterinarian immediately and schedule an exam.

How Does an Older Dog Play?

Fido will continue to benefit and love playing as he grows older. However, as your canine companion gets older, you will need to change his schedule. Make sure Fido doesn’t overwork himself. You’ll also need to gradually redirect your attention away from games like fetch and frisbee and toward mentally stimulating exercises like the Cups game.

One additional thing to be cautious about? Making your pooch stand or jump on its hind legs. This can be extremely harmful for puppies who have or are at risk of developing bone/joint problems, such as hip dysplasia. For more information, speak with your veterinarian.

Finally, Fido likes and benefits from playing. Playing not only keeps your dog in shape, but it also provides intellectual stimulation, which is good for their overall health and well-being. It also enables your dog to release surplus energy. It’s also an excellent method to bond.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Jensen Beach, FL Veterinary Clinic

Is it time for your dog to see a vet? Is Fido due for a parasite control product or vaccination? Do not hesitate to contact us at any moment. We would be happy to help as your Jensen Beach, FL pet clinic!

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